Staking is the primary value accrual strategy of pulseOHM. Stakers stake their tokens on the Dapp to earn revenue share rewards, via the farm.
Stake your Tokens in the revenue share staking contract (our farm) & those staked holders will periodically receive token streams.
Staked $pOHM recevies staking rewards as $spOHM. APY and rebase time remaining can be seen on the Dapp.
Staking Warm-Up Periodβ
To protect against flash loan attacks a warm up period will be put in place for staked $pOHM.
When you stake $pOHM to receive $spOHM, you:
Will earn rebases as normal for each epoch that occurs every ~8 hours.
Will be able to claim $spOHM ($spOHM β $pOHM) after 2 rebases.
If you claim your original $pOHM amount before 2 epochs is up, your rewards will be waved.
Last updated